Friday, November 25, 2011

Random Fucking Thoughts #4

Random Fucking Thoughts is my weekly feature here on YPOIW where I write a few things on my mind. I do absolutely no preparation for this, and it is written in 1 take. Think of it as the equivalent of doing your homework in the hallway before class. As I am writing this sentence I have no idea what the rest of this column will contain. 

This might be a little deep to start with, but I've been watching a ton of TV documentaries about the Universe lately and it's depressing. When you think about the near infinite number of systems and galaxies, it's insanely mind-boggling just how small and insignificant each and every one of us is. I'm pretty sure Stephen Hawking is turning me into a sociopath, somehow human life doesn't seem as special or precious when you know the full extent of what is out there. What's the point of everything when our entire galaxy is going to collide with the Andromeda galaxy one day? What's the point when eventually the sun is going to get so hot that it burns the Earth raw? In the grand scope of things, the Earth is a flea in the Pacific Ocean. What does that make a person? a sub flea? what does that make a flea?

Anthony Fantano this week asked a question if whether or not music evolving was important to you. I think for me, it has to be because some of my favorite bands have re-made themselves multiple times over. Obviously it depends, if a band wants to evolve into what Weezer did from 2001-2009 I'm not on board in the slightest. I think you could call Weezer did de-evolution though, they didn't change their sound all that much... they just made it more shallow and uninteresting.

Take a band like Built To Spill, they started as a simple twee-pop band, and evolved into a band capable of releasing a layered masterpiece like Perfect From Now On. If they didn't evolve, one of my favorite records ever wouldn't have been made. So yeah, music needs to change and evolve in order to keep my interest. How many people would like Animal Collective if they didn't sound like a different band with each subsequent album? Would I have ever listened to the Flaming Lips if they remained a bad garage metal band? What if the Beatles continued to do nothing but simple pop songs and 50s Rock & Roll covers?

I'd really like to know what my twitter usage is when I'm not watching sports versus what it is when I am. Twitter is great for a lot of things, but for me interacting with other fans is where it shines the best. I love when I get to sit down and watch a Sabres game with tweetdeck running. It's pretty weird to think that 5 years ago this paragraph wouldn't even make sense.

Twitter: It's not just for dick jokes

(I'm sorry I'm cutting this a bit short this week, but I've got nothing else. Sometimes it's going to have to work that way.)

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